Tuesday, April 14, 2009

She is my mother here after..

This is what Allah had given to me.. for the last two years I had done the medical checkup for the kidney transplant. But today I had the result.. I cant donate mine for my mother.. Apa nak kata.. ini adalah apa yg Allah nak tunjuk.. inilah petunjuk Allah atas doa abuya.. I have to accept the faith..

I cant see my mother tired.. I cant see my mother sick.. I cant.... but when I must I cant although to cry.. dalam hati saja ada perasaan yg sendiri pun xboleh nak cerita pada sesiapa.. hanya Allah yg faham kerana DIAlah yg mencipta hati ini..

What I am thinking these few days.. are about my family.. myself with my religion.. I will not let my family just like that.. Mak.. bulan ni ninah xdapat tolong banyak sangat.. lps2 ni ninah akan tolong lagi.. Ya Allah, ikhlaskan hatiku ya Allah.. selamatkan kami ya Allah dalam tekad yg kami letakkan ini..

About jemaah.. I must choose one... for myself.. and I will state on the one I am in now.. J.. I will learn and try to adapt although untill when... I will commite.. insyaAllah

Mohon maaf pada sesiapa saja yg hatinye telah disakiti..

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Life and beautiful..

Sume asyik nak bergamba

capab ek..

These are the orchids

My trip around Pahang.. Saw many kind of things.. hehe.. 4th April we went to 'kenduri sambut menantu' Kak Itie at Kuala Lipis.. hah... too far.. too tired.. but we are all happy... on the way comeback home, we went to Mak Cik Jarah house at Maran (Pak TaM's mother in law).. ate the masak lemak cili ape ayak kampung.. walla maa... saw the orchids... hope my problems can be sattled... sometimes people cannot accept teguran.. hmm... including me... hmm...

Thanks to my fiance... he come to format the latop... he understand me.. hehe jgn kembang la org puji...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cute sgt munge flip flap ni..

This munge flip flap not using battery for the power source.. it use solar energy.. once we have the light so the flower will flip flap.. otherwise, it will static.. hehe.. very nice.. giving by someone special.. thanks...

First time I see these kind of things...

Subhanallah.. Allah punye kuase...
These are what I saw during we, the whole family go for the 'bekam' treatment.. Subhanallah.. kuase Allah... semua penyakit ade ubatnya kecuali mati.. I hope my mother will getting well fully one day..

very unbelievable.. hmm... mcm mn darah yg seketul besar tu boleh kuar melalui saluran yg kecil.. kuasa Allah...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Dont Understand..

Why they must be too extreme? Why I cannot put my engagement pictures in the friendster.. sound stupid.. In this world, there are many other kind of things we can think about.. why they want to think about other clothes? hah.... today i am very stress about that stupid matter.. hah!

why I must stay in this kind of people.. never open their mind.. they know ke what is my niat.. why they like to judge.. making hukum.. then I am talking like this.. just cut a crab!!